Welcome Back…

Now at home. Today felt like we were really back to work and life as we knew it, as we drove to school for T.A. orientation and saw everyone again for the first time. I have to admit that I’m excited about the school year, even though I wish we had another week or two to relax and make the transition. This is my last year. There’s so much work to do. Plans to make. Poems to write.

I even shared — for just a nanosecond — in Abby‘s excitement at seeing a bunch of freshmen herding around during their PAWS Preview while we stood chatting on the Quad. Ah, campus life! I’m especially grateful that Abby, Jack, and Micah are coming back to teach. It’s going to be fun (I keep telling myself)!

As for the return flight and subsequent drive home, it was rough. But not nearly as bad as what we’ve been hearing from other folks.

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7 Responses to Welcome Back…

  1. Tina. says:

    Oh, what I wouldn’t give to have another week of down-time before this craziness begins. Perhaps then I could be more excited about our freshmen/women. I meet my first group of them on Sunday.

    And, yes, very excited about Abby, Jack, and Micah as well. Let’s have a great year!

  2. steve says:

    One major sign someone has taught too long is that he / she no longer feels the nostalgia for those first weeks of the fall semester. New beginnings. Possibility.

  3. dhad says:

    ever since i was a kid fall has been my favorite time of year, mostly because school’s starting and i’m eager to get back. growing up in michigan, there was the added excitement of hockey season not too far away, and the cider mills opening for harvest and apple picking. and marching band!

    this year that’s only tempered by the abrupt transition from travel to work. but i’m still looking forward to it. my prediction: it will be a great year.

  4. Tina. says:

    Steve, I do feel the nostalgia, but not as much as I used to. I blame it on being tired from my “vacation” and on the jet-lag. ๐Ÿ˜‰ But, yes, perhaps it’s also time for me to move on to new adventures.

    David, summer is still my favorite time of the year, but as a child (and even through high-school and college) I couldn’t wait for the new school year to start. Yes, I was/am a nerd. And proud of it. I associate fall with new notebooks, the smell of new books, leaves falling from the trees, the smell of roasted chestnuts and cooked wine, early morning fog…. I hope your prediction about this new year turns out to be true.

  5. steve says:


    Last fall was full of stress. This one won’t be. Remember teaching all your bears when you were little. You were born to be a teacher. You’re good at it.

  6. Andrew N says:

    Welcome back Zigon-Hadbawnik, Inc! Hope to see you soon! A lot has changed. Claire has just returned from space camp. Melissa is tapping into her social security. I have died. As I say, a lot has happened.

  7. Tina. says:

    Steve, thanks for your kind words. And thanks for posting about my bear-teaching on a public blog. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Andrew, I can’t wait to see you all!

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