Yuengling — Next Great American Beer?

God, I hope not.

Background: Since moving to Buffalo last month, Tina and I have been diligently searching for the best deals on everything from gas to pizza to car insurance. One of the little surprises and bright spots in my life has been my nascent love affair with Yuengling, a lager available in the local grocery store for $8-something a twelve pack. Considering that the cheapest (drinkable) brew back in Texas was watery Lone Star, which even so went for $4-something a six, that’s not bad. (Especially decent since local taxes and deposits here push alcohol to quite expensive prices, by and large.)

Yuengling is brewed in Pennsylvania, and while it’s a fairly large brewery, it’s still owned by the original family, which founded it way back in 1829. The beer itself is not as smooth and tasty as Sam Adams or the finer Euro lagers, but I have to say it’s pretty damn good. Add in the fact that you can pick up a 12-pack for the price of most of those finer brews, and, well, you had me at hello.

Salon.com has been running a series of articles on the demise of Budweiser as an “American” beer, and recently speculated on which cheap, regional beer might step forward to take its place as THE American beer. Much to my surprise, Yuengling got the nod.

To me, this is horrible news. It’s not unlike discovering a tiny corner bistro with amazing food and a nice, quiet atmosphere, and then finding that it’s been given five stars by Zagat’s or something. I don’t want what happened to Shiner Bock to happen here.

As Americans, I believe we have a right to cheap, locally brewed swill. If that swill happens to be pretty decent, it’s all the better for the folks lucky enough to live where they can get it. I’m hoping that beer-drinkers, and the companies and conglomerates that market to them, miss reading this article. And that some other brew entirely takes over the mantle from Bud. Leave us our Yuengling!

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3 Responses to Yuengling — Next Great American Beer?

  1. mike says:

    while yuengling is a fine local swill, for my money, $3.99 for a six of pints in fact, Gennesee is an overlooked lighter beer. They have a cream ale as well which is delicious,a nd an award winner mind you. On the cheap, and in hot weather it is drinkable and sometimes even enjoyable.

  2. dhadbawnik says:

    Definitely gonna try that.

    Let’s grab a six pack when i get back from SF…

  3. DarkoV says:

    Have you tried Yuengling’s “Dark & Tan”. Smooth with a nice bite.
    Then, there’s Delaware’s own Dogfish Head which, unfortunately, is not that cheap. But it is the beer to suggest to your friends when they’re coming over and unsure of what beverage to bring.

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