Very limited number of all five chapbooks available for $15, plus shipping (specify in order whether you want white or black Rejection Group cover)
[N.B., as of 4.22.11, Sarah Peters and JodiAnn Stevenson now sold out]
Set of remaining three chapbooks (5 Works, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Five Windows Light the Cavern’d Man) available for $10, plus shipping
[N.B.: As of 1.11.12, Sir Gawain is sold out.]
The Rejection Group (white cover), 5 works, 19pp, saddle-stitched, $7 plus shipping
The Rejection Group (black cover), 5 works, 19pp, saddle-stitched, $7 plus shipping
***very limited number copy of 5 works signed by by K.G., V.P., C.B., K.S.M., and K.J.: $20 plus shipping***
Sarah Peters, Triptych, 3pp, hand-sewn, $3 plus shipping
***sold out***
JodiAnn Stevenson, Houses Don’t Float, 4pp, hand-sewn, $3 plus shipping
***sold out***
Brooks Johnson, Five Windows Light the Cavern’d Man, 3pp, hand-sewn, $3 plus shipping
David Hadbawnik, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 3pp, hand-sewn, $3 plus shipping
***sold out***
12pp. Letter-press cover designed by Richard Owens and Clifton Riley. Hand-sewn. Habenicht Press, 2010. $7 plus shipping.
$10 plus shipping