Habenicht Press is pleased to announce the publication of Richard Owens’ Ballads.
Comments on Owens’ poetry:
John Latta on various ballads: “Balladeering as a form of community-making, or communally-made lament for community: Owens’s seem a matter of reassembling pieces, somber, sobering, post-glorioso warnings to the polis.”
David Hadbawnik, from Working Papers #2: “Melding tradition and originality, modern disjunctive strategies and a good old fashioned ear for sound, a careful reading of the [Ballads] project belies the depth of research and energy that informs and propels them. Content-wise, the poems distill Marxist concerns and attention to harsh economic ‘globble’ realities that have haunted Owens’ writing for many years. Personal detail mingles with research and reading in ways that don’t allow the reader to easily escape or dismiss the particularity of the poem’s power.”
120pp, letterpress cover, perfect bound. $12 (domestic) plus $3 shipping.