reading series

May 30, 2003: Alex Blasdel and Owen Hill

A not very well attended reading but one of the favorite ones we've had so far. I wanted to have Alex read here before he went off to Oxford to study classical Greek. Alex had been a wunderkind in Diane di Prima's private workshop, where he'd started five, six years ago as a high school student, swum in and out of our ken while attending the exclusive Deep Springs College, and now was about to go further his promising career in jolly old England. Alex has a great ear for the musical phrase and a stunning commitment to poetry for someone so young. Owen Hill, meanwhile, is a longtime poet and writer of the hilarious mystery novel The Chandler Apartments, which features a poet-slueth and plenty of inside dirt on the local scene. Alex wowed us with some of his crisp, gem-like poems, and then Owen broke us up with scenes from the sequel to his detective novel, along with a couple poems. I was bummed out that Alex had forbade his folks, who live only a few blocks away, from attending. We sat on the floor and drank beer and talked afterwards in the plentiful evening sun.

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